Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Android OpenVPN setup + StrongVPN

Here are my example how to get OpenVPN
working on Android based device
OpenVPN working only on rooted devices and
Android 2.1+
1) First of all we need install BusyBox from
Android Market, OpenVPN will not work
without it.
Once installed from Android Market you need
run BusyBox installation and continue
2) I had BusyBox installed so just upgraded to
1.18.4 build
BusyBox should say “Your phone is rooted”
need install BusyBox to /system/xbin/ as in
my tutorial, it will NOT work properly when
installed elsewhere
3) Upgrade will take some time and finally
4) Now we need install OpenVPN Installer and
OpenVPN Settings from Android Market
again need run OpenVPN Installer application
to continue
5) I recommend install OpenVPN to /system/
xbin as in my example
6) Create a folder called openvpn on the
Resulting Android path will be /sdcard/
(NOTE! Android is case-sensitive. Do NOT use
CAPS or lower case)
7) Start OpenVPN Settings and enable
All done! You should now be able to
connect to the VPN
Common problems
You need properly configured TUN driver,
OpenVPN will connect to the VPN but you will
not be able to actually use. Driver file tun.ko
will vary depending on your phone and kernel.
The correct tun.ko can only be provided by the
person/group who provided you your Android
You can load tun.ko manually from settings
If OpenVPN not connecting try check box
“Load tun kernel module” this will load TUN
driver before OpenVPN

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the article Chinonso. VPN is good if you want to hide your real location. However, about content streaming, I prefer the DNS option. Currently, I am using UnoTelly and have no speed loss which allows me HD streaming with my 10mbps connection.
