Sunday, September 15, 2013
I rooted my Tecno L3 this morning, it was
as simple as rooting Tecno P3 and N3. To root our Tecno L3, the
first thing to do is to update our DRIVERS. The first thing to do is
to update the drivers of the Computer or Laptop you are using.
Download the file below, It is just 342 kb and will not take up to 5
minutes to download.
My Credit goes to the Dmedallion of for this article
Download MT6577 USB VCOM Driver (W7/Vista/XP) by visiting this
After downloading, unzip the file.
1 : Open Device Manager in Windows. [Right Click on My Computer
icon on Desktop then click on Manage after it click on Device
2 : Now TURN OFF your phone !!!. (I mean turn it OFF) and Plug
into Computer via USB cable. You will see MT65xx Preloader in
Device Manager.
Note : If you are not seeing this try removing battery from mobile
and plug into computer without battery.
3 : Now double click on Installdriver.exe to run it (the file is in the
folder you just unzipped, a popup appears asking whether to install
unsigned drivers or block, click on install it anyway. After it a
confirmation dialog box will appear telling you Successfully
installed usb drivers. Note : This will only appear in Windows 7 and
later versions.
4 : Restart your Computer or Laptop.
5 : After rebooting, "Open device manager" again and DON'T TURN
ON your Phone !!!. Plug it into same usb port. Now MediaTek
PreLoader USB VCOM port will appear in device manager. (If you
are not fast you will not even see it because it will appear and
disappear quickly)
6 : Now right click on it (MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM) and click
on Properties then select DRIVER TAB, then click on UPDATE
DRIVER. Click on Browse my computer for driver software.
7 : Now navigate to download folder and select Win7 folder. That is
all. You can now go ahead with the steps for the rooting of L3.
Download the Files to be used for Rooting here
I advise you to open a new folder and put these two files you are
about to download because when you unzip them, they will be
plenty and you will take a long time searching for them.
Please install ROOT CHECKER from googleplay store so that at a
point in the process, I will tell you to check whether you have root
Installation of Files
*Click on the extracted folder labelled SP_Flash_Tool_v3.1224.01
you will see the SPFlashtool with this icon below, click on it.
*When the box opens, click on SCATTER-LOADING . It is at the far
right hand side of the box. See pic below
* A box will pop up. Check the files you extracted and click on
MT6575_Android_scatter_emmc.txt when you do it you will
see the pic below
*Scroll down the list of items you see there and tick the small box
in front of BOOTIMG .
*Click on the name BOOTIMG , a box will come up. Go to your
extracted files and click on
L3_130613__boot_patched_130804-160810.img click on
*Scroll down the list again and click RECOVERY (it is directly below
BOOTIMG) Go to your extracted files and click on
L3_130613__recovery_130804-160810.img click on Open
*After you have loaded both files, you should have something like
this below
* Click on DOWNLOAD. If you check the top right corner, you will
see 2 types of DOWNLOAD. Click the second one NOT the first one.
See pic below
*Now connect your Tecno L3 via USB with the battery inserted in
the phone BUT SWITCHED OFF. I mean the phone should be
switched OFF and connected to the computer.
*A red process bar will come up, just allow the process to
continue, when the process is complete you will see a green circle
pop up. See pic below
*You can now unplug your phone from the Computer and SWITCH
IT ON. I mean put your phone ON.
* When you switch ON the phone, YOU have to enable USB
==>Go to SETTINGS, Scroll down to DEVELOPER OPTIONS and click
on it.
==>at the top you will see ON/OFF , slide the bar to ON
==>Scroll down and tick the USB DEBUGGING box, it will ask you
CANCEL/OK, choose OK.
* Connect the phone to the computer via USB.
* One of the files you downloaded and extracted is
MtkDroidTools_v248 . Click on it, then click on MtkDroidTools.
There is a green coloured app called MTKdroidTools, click on it. It
will bring up a box where you will see two headings, click on ROOT,
BACK UP, RECOVERY. See Pic below
The application will now detect your phone information (Remember
your phone is ON now)
*Click on SUPER USER, it will bring up two files. Click on the
Second one which is "SuperSU" and it will install. You will see
complete in the box by your right hand side.
*Click on ROOT CHECKER app in your phone, then click on Verify
root access. HURRAYYYYYYYYYY !!! You are now ROOTED !!!
OFF, remove your battery and put it back, then ON the phone, you
will see Super User, Root Explorer in your phone Menu.
If you like the info I give on this blog, tell more people about and like my fan page
I salute Dmedallion of for this tutorial. All I did
was expand it and make it more understandable to the avearge
android phone user.
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